♡ You are not here to judge ♡
Monday, April 9, 2012

I am just tired.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I am just tired.
I don't have any motivation to get up in the morning,
I wish I could just lay at bed, forever.
I say no to hanging out with friends just because,
I yell at people who don't deserve it, who keep on asking the past of me.
I get upset over the stupidest things.
Most of the time I don't understand the things I do,
or why I do them in the first place.
Depression isn't something that just goes over night,
it's an illness.
So mom and dad, I'm sorry.
I hope that you can understand why I'm so quiet at dinner,
and why I don't like doing family activities.
I'm sorry to all my friends who don't understand,
I wish I could let you inside my head,
so you would know what am I thinking everytimes.
Sometimes, I feel like you all see me as an over dramatic bitch,
I'm just too sensitive.
I can't help it. I don't want to be this way too.
It hurts. I hope you can understand.
if i died today, would these be anything you wish you had said to me?
Thursday, February 2, 2012
So.. Why am I here for?
Let me bring the topic out, shall we? You can actually stop here because it gonna be a very bored post. O:

Happy Chinese New Year to ya'all first ! I know it's already the 10th but whatever :D Hope you guys have a nice year <3
I don't know how am I gonna share this out anyway, so I shall bring it to the very end. :3
- School. it is fine anyway. Lesson is getting okay lately, I can actually following up the lesson, includes of Malay *smile with teeth out* :D you know, it is my duhhh most fail subject ever, how happy I can be ~ Still, I am not happy with my position of monitor. Okay, actually I WAS just an assistance monitor, and Raymond the monitor. Later then he transfer class, bring up also the cleaning-ness monitor.. throw the job to me.. and now..I have to do double job. I AM SO GONNA CURSE YOU UNTIL DIE.
- Family. Chinese New Year Eve or whatever is it calling. Brother coming back from KL, big surprise for mummy. <3 Because bro never missed out everyyear's so mummy thought it gonna be the first time that she was so sad sad sad :P Mummy really love us, I cant deny this. <3
- Health. This is so sad. I am like having fever EVERYDAY. HAHAHA. everyone who touched me said that I am hot ... BODY TEMPERATURE HOT k. and and.. Skin problem again. ): it is so itchy that when I am sweating, even a little bit and I cant stand the itchy-ness so end up scratch it and now it hurts so much everytime I baths. ): KARMA?
- Love. Currently no love problem. Like what Liwei said, 'forever alone' :3 HAHAHAH.
- Friend. I less going out since last year. Facebook has stopped accepting stranger and already removed all those who didn't talk much to me. NO NEW FRIENDS. *forever alone* HAHAH.
And here.. I just.. broken.. up .. a .. laptop. ): If you think this is not a big deal.. then this is the case, IT'S NOT MINE BUT TEACHER'S. feeling so guilty can. D: besides, it is her gift for her son as reward of excellent in PSR. !@#%^&*() k. enough information given, if continue bring up, i surely cant sleep well tonight.
the group is really nasty nowadays. if eyes could kills, i has already killed you a hundred times.